International Family Business Camp in Olympic, Greece
July 11-22
Five main advantages:
- Rest and Wellness. The goal is to make the body healthy and strong! Therefore, in the concept of the camp will be a lot of physical activities (jogging, proper breathing with fresh sea air, stretching with yoga, many sports games (football, volleyball, aqua ball);
- Skills development. Our camp will be different from all others – children won’t just rest there, they will also develop yourself on a very important profile - Leadership. MiniBoss & BigBoss Leadership Programs are well known worldwide for their effectiveness! It will beunforgettably fun, interesting and useful!
- Healthy environment. A special advantage is a healthy eco-friendly atmosphere. We invite the most purposeful children and youth who want their own successful future, and this creates a strong atmosphere with strong values.
- Family camp. Children and their parents are invited. The unique Coach Program "Ideal" is free for every MiniBoss & BigBoss parent!).
- International. Our team of global trainers leads the program in English/Russian/Lithuanian/Bulgarian/ etc. Our mentors will do everything to make every child feel part of a global team!
The camp is located on 80 km from Thessaloniki and 25 km from Katerini city, near the sea and at the foot of the majestic Mount Olympus, with a picturesque and extensive beach, that is covered with fine golden sand: Orfeas Blue Resort, Korinos beach, Katerini, Greece.
More details: camps.miniboss-school.com