Startup World Cup Championship & International Business Camp
Bournemouth, The United Kingdom
5-11 July, 2020
The Champion summer camp of the International education network MiniBoss& BigBoss Business Schools is held annually before the Startup World Cup Championship (SWCC), which will be held in Bournemouth in 2020 (Great Britain). SWCC World Championships - this is the main annual event in the world for young entrepreneurs, which brings together young national elites from around the world.
The Champion Summer Camp was organized by the Educational Consortium International BusinessAcademy to develop young people (from 6 to 25 years old) in their business qualities and build global business communications; to develop teamwork skills andcreate business projects from idea to implementation; for the ability to defend their projects on the world stage before a jury consisting of entrepreneurs from around the world.
Each year, for every student of the Education Network MiniBoss & BigBoss Business Schools, a visit to the World Championship is the culmination of the course and an essential element of the academic program. At the Championship, students receive an international certificate, and at the end of all courses - International diplomas MiniBoss Business School; BigBoss Business School and International Business Academy.
International Business Camp has 7 main advantages:
- International Camp - Hundreds of children from different countries meet annually in this super-camp for leaders! Coaches run the program in English/Russian/Lithuanian/Bulgarian etc. that will help each child to feel yourself as a part of a global community!
- Skills development - here children do not just relax, they also develop in an important profile - entrepreneurship.
- Healthy environment – there is an atmosphere of friendship, support, development. The most purposeful children who want their own development and success are invited here, and this creates an atmosphere with strong values.
- English lessons daily until the World Cup - the kids upgrade well their English skills!
- Age groups - children and youth in various age groups can participate in the World Championship: MiniBoss (6-14 years old), BigBoss (15-25 years old).
- Open league - all registered participants can take part in the World Cup through confirmation of registration and presentation of the startup in the prescribed form, as well as payment of the registration fee through the website.
- Family camp. Supporting family values at MiniBoss Business Schools implies family integrity and the fact that the main careers of the child are parents, and the business school helps parents achieve the goal of raising successful and happy family heirs. In this regard, in order to achieve the maximum result for each academic level, parents need to be present and support the child at each stage of growth, at each World Championship. Moreover, it will be the most vivid childhood memories and an incredibly pleasant vacation in the circle of the global MiniBoss family.
The camp is located on the south coast of England in the city of Bournemouth (107 miles from London). Bournemouth is a seaside resort in the county of Dorset, a popular English resort on the English Channel, adjacent to Poole in the west.
Dorset is a ceremonial non-metropolitan county of England, located in the southwestern part of the country on the English Channel. It consists of the non-metropolitan county of Dorset and two unitary units: Pula and Bournemouth.
Covering an area of 2653 km², Dorset is bordered by four other English counties: Devon in the west, Somerset in the northwest, Wiltshire in the northeast and Hampshire in the east. The capital of the county is the city of Dorchester, located in its southern part.